Seasons: 1
"The Conductor" unravels the story of Noah Gamliel, a world-renowned musician and orchestra conductor, who abandons fame and fortune in order to return to the home he left 30 years ago, leaving behind a brilliant career and a beloved girlfriend.
At home, Noah finds his father in a state of progressive Alzheimer's, the only thing bringing him joy being singing in the local choir. When the old choir conductor dies, Noah decides to take his place, switching from the most magnificent stages in the world to the small neighborhood community center.
Unbeknownst to his family and closest friends, Noah is actually seeking refuge from life in the spotlight as he faces the toughest challenge in his personal and professional life and the worse possible fate for a musician - he is going deaf. He confides only in his father who forgets the secret a moment later.
"If THE CONDUCTOR was a stew, it would have been the chef's special… it's a series that will make you shed tears of joy. It's like a diamond which creates a cinematic viewing experience in your own living room, so much so that each time the final credits comes rolling up, you will wonder what happened that the film you were watching was stopped in the middle." Ynet