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Game Show

Seasons: 2

The "Wisdom of the Masses" theory states that the average of the answers of a large audience will be a more precise evaluation of quantity than any one opinion, even that of a professional.‬‬‬ The Best of All is there to find out if the theory really works? Is the average answer of 1000 people in the crowd is always closer to the right result, than the answer of The Best of All? Hundreds of people in the studio  are connected to the game's application through each of their smart phones. All the questions in the game are amusing visual questions (video segments), questions that are based on quantification whose answer is an absolute number. Who will win and be The Best of All with the most accurate answers? Is it going to be one of the crowd helped by the average answers of the masses, or its going to be one of our contestants on stage, out smarting everyone? The Best of All sold and produced in Thailand (2 seasons) and Vietnam (1 season).  

Trailer Season 1

Trailer Season 2