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Seasons: 4

  A reality show in which four strong successful women attempt to break the cycle of their single life and become truly vested in finding their "New Love". The 4 women act like a support group. Together they choose the male partners, go through the various experiences and can be there for one another when needed… They can lend an ear, a shoulder… and offer emotional support.
  • During every cycle, the women and her chosen partner are committed to spend 3 days together in an apartment, which is wired with cameras.
Each woman and her chosen man, will go to sleep together, wake up together, cook and eat together, go out together to various activities and come back in the evening to their life as a couple in the shared apartment. Using cameras that network the entire location, experts will watch the events and monitor the relationships, and will support them during the process, advising them when needed, giving them the emotional tools to avoid relationships mistakes that they might have done in the past. At the end of the three days, they both need to decide whether to stay together for another 72 hours or break up. The women then continue with a different chosen man. Full of emotions, drama, and laughter, like a real life and authentic soap opera, it's a bootcamp of relationships which we all can identify with! A fast track to love!